Thursday, November 27, 2014

How To Drink Water To Lose Weight?

Water is the first and most important step in your weight-loss journey. 

How much you should drink Water?
1. It's best to drink 2-3 liter water each day. 
2. Modify your Total Fluid Intake depending on weight, work, intense exercise, environment, illness and health condition.

How to drink more Water?
1. Drink Water Every Two Hours.
1. Carry around Personal Water Bottle and take sips throughout the day.
2. Flavor your water with Lemons, Limes, Cucumbers, grapes, watermelon or any other flavors you like.
3. If you get tired of drinking water, switch to Herbal Tea or Green Tea.
4. Fruits and Vegetables that contain a high percentage of water should be consumed to increase your water intake.
5. Hot and Cold soups can boost your water consumption too.
6. You can consume more water in morning in empty stomach.

Advantages of Drinking Water:
Increases our metabolism 
Decreases our acidic level
It helps flush toxins from our body. 

Disadvantages of not Drinking Water:
You'll get Sugar Cravings 
Get Afternoon Headaches 
You will feel tired

Remember, Drinking two liters of water makes you feel good, but drinking four liter won't make you feel twice as good. Drinking water can only help you to lose weight only if it makes you to eat less. Just adding water to your normal diet doesn't seems to promote weight loss. But if you have water instead of sugary drinks, junk-food or snacks then the calories you have saved will help you to lose weight.

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