Friday, August 1, 2014

How to increase height naturally?..........Growth Stunning Factors.............

Many People think that ............Is it possible to increase height after 21?


It is possible to increase height 2 to 8 inches even after puberty.

After puberty the production of growth hormone becomes slow.

Some people referral to HEIGHT GROWTH HORMONE (HGH) supplements and injections to create hormone imbalance to grow taller. so don't take such pills as they cause side effects. Even they make you sick.

You can increase height naturally also. We can create hormonal imbalance naturally to gain more height. It does not require any kinds of supplements and injections.

Lets take a look:
  1. Stretching Exercise
  2. High rich nutritional foods
  3. more sleep to produce growth hormone
You must do above 3 steps simultaneously because exercise combined with right diet and proper sleep should help you grow.


  • Stretching exercise will always help your body to enlarge.
  • Stretching exercises like Hanging, Cobra Exercise, Cat Stretching, Sit-Ups Straight, Basic Leg Stretch, Touching Toes, Hands on Head and Bend Down, Bow Down, Bench Stretches, etc.
  • For best results do each stretching exercise twice, that is after you wake up and before you go to sleep.
  • Including sports activities like swimming, basketball, cycling, running, jumping, biking, yoga, etc. will also help to increase height naturally.
  • Make sure that stretches includes your Spine, Hands, Legs and Neck.
  • Maintain good and Straight Posture. It will increase your height by 1-2 inches.
  • Go outside and do lots of Exercise.

  • Eat 3 meals a day, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner with small Snacks between.
  • Make sure that your body is getting all Proteins, Vitamins , Minerals, Calcium, etc nutrients that your body requires to help you grow taller.
  • Include plenty of vegetables and fruits in your regular diet.
  • Carbohydrates and Calories must be taken where the body gains energy to grow.
  • Take Calcium Supplements that promote your bone growth.
  • Take Niacin Supplements that increase growth hormone.
  • Take Vitamin D Supplements that promote your bone and muscle to grow.
  • Take Proteins to grow your body.
  • Include Dark Leafy Greens, Low Fat Cheese, Milk, Yogurt, Chinese Cabbage, Broccoli, Almonds, Pulses, Soybeans, Eggs, Oatmeal, etc. in your Diet

  • You must sleep about 8-10 hours at each night.
  • This is because during Sleeping Hours your body grows and generates Growth Hormone naturally in the Pituitary Gland.
  • Make sure that you are sleeping with Peace of Mind.
  • While sleeping Environment must be calm.
  • While you sleep avoid Loud Noises and Unnecessary Lights.
  • Sleep on harder surface, without a pillow or flat pillow.
  • Make sure that you are straight on your back.
  • If you are having any trouble in falling asleep, then take a warm water bath or drink a hot cup of milk or herbal tea before going to bed.

  • Don't drink Alcohol. It will stunt our growth.
  • Don't do Drugs. It will stunt our growth.
  • Don't Smoke. It will stunt our growth.
  • Don't take Caffeine. It creates trouble in falling asleep.
  • Don't take Steroids. Anabolic Steroids inhibits bone growth.
  • Don't Lunch over as much as it will affect how you grow.
  • Stay Hydrated by drinking water and some milk

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